Microsoft Teams for Families

In this section of our school website you will be able to find and access help guides, handy hints, links and letters/correspondences all about Microsoft Teams.

Click here to view an overview of remote education provision information guide 

A great starting point is the following Sharepoint address that contains resources and help guides about Microsoft Teams for parents, guardians and children:

(You will be requested to sign in with your child's school email address and password, which has been shared with your child in class.)

Another useful 'help' guide is the following PDF resource which provides an overview of Teams and how to access it.  It can be downloaded by clicking here.

At the start of the academic year, we sent home with your child a copy of our Microsoft Teams/Remote Learning Acceptable Use Policy which we required all families to read and discuss before allowing children to access Teams from home.  This policy can be read by clicking here.

Teams can be accessed via:  or  For each of these login access points, your child will need to login in using their school email address and password.